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Holistic practitioner and back expert
Petra Hornung.

Petra Hornung is your back expert for Hamburg and the surrounding area. For more than 20 years now, she has been working intensively on the topic of back pain, spinal and joint diseases. If you suffer from back or joint pain, you are in the best hands with her.

Petra Hornung’s goal for people is that they are able to move pain-free again. Because movement is quality of life and joie de vivre. Doesn’t it make you happy when you can romp around with your children or grandchildren again?

‘I’ll give myself a lot of time for you and for an excellent diagnosis. Together with you, we will then plan your individual and holistic therapy.’

More about me

My main therapeutic focus

The treatment after Dorn is a good manual therapy for the spine and joints. Vertebral blockages and tensions are loosened and misalignments of the vertebrae and joints are corrected. If there is a pelvic misalignment, it will be corrected. This will prevent misalignments of the spine and increased propensity for blockages in the future. Also, every Dorn therapy includes the testing of leg lengths.

Since many leg length differences are not caused by bones of different lengths, but by joint malpositions in the sacroiliac – joint, hip, knee or ankle, these can be easily and painlessly corrected with the Dorn method.

The Breuß massage is a gentle back massage that relieves energetic blockages and physical and emotional tension. By gently stretching the spine, the intervertebral discs can expand and regenerate. It is the ideal preparation for the thorn method. The Breuß massage is of course also suitable for healthy people for relaxation and to be pampered.

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle manual method for treating the craniosacral system.
(CranioSacral = ‘from the skull to the sacral bone’). It was developed about 25 years ago by the physician and surgeon Dr. John Upledger from osteopathy.

CranioSacral therapy stimulates the body’s natural self-healing powers. If the function of the central nervous system can be increased, the body remains more resistant to diseases. Effects of stress and tension are reduced, self-regulating activities are stimulated.

CranioSacral therapy, according to Dr Upledger, uses light touches to treat the patient.
When can CranioSacral-therapy be indicated?

CranioSacrale therapy can have soothing and causal effects in:

  • Acute back and joint discomfort
  • Chronic pain
  • Dysfunction of the jaw joint
  • Stress- and tension-related pain
  • Chronic neck and back pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Tinnitus
  • Exhaustion and chronic fatigue
  • Dysfunctions of the central nervous system
  • Hyperactivity and learning difficulties

In individual sessions, you have the opportunity to be supported on your own personal path.

These areas include:

Health coaching:

Burdens like stress, pressure, worries, anxiety or grief can manifest themselves physically and cause various symptoms of illness. Often the stress sits literally in the neck or the fear goes to the kidneys.

The following symptoms may occur:

  • Back pain
  • Insomnia
  • Stomach ache
  • Diarrhoea or congestion
  • Heart turf
  • Sweating
  • Shoulder and neck pain
  • Skin itching
  • Dizziness
  • Panic attack
  • Tinnitus
  • and many more …

If no physical causes are found, we assume a psychosomatic disease. Then the cause comes more from a mental analization. Here, therapeutic coaching can help to get to the bottom of the cause. We want to understand what led to the symptoms and then work out a solution.

Professional coaching:

Extra occupational coaching helps to clarify and improve the professional situation. We are setting new goals and developing a strategy to ensure that these objectives are achieved.

Coaching in the profession is equally suitable for individuals as well as for companies or project groups. Through installation techniques and role-playing games, actual stands are illuminated and worthwhile goals are found for all participants.

Couple coaching

Coaching for couples is a good way to take time out as a couple to re-reflect the relationship.

We take a look at:

  • What are your goals individually and as a couple?
  • How can you approach each other (again)?
  • What values do you have (each for yourself and as a couple)?
  • How do you communicate with each other (dispute? Allegations?)
  • What is important to you (individually and as a couple)?

Using methods from systemic therapy, we dissolve deadlocked, old patterns and focus on everything that strengthens and connects.

Spiritual Coaching:

  • Adoption of old patterns
  • Inner serenity and letting go
  • Create access to your hidden abilities and your individual power source
  • Energetic treatments
  • Meditation and activation of self-regulation forces
  • Resolving and letting go of traumatic experiences and fears

Children – Coaching:

Develop individual learning strategies and find new and effective behavior pattern.

Herbal medicine – i.e. phytotherapy – is the oldest healing method in the West. For thousands of years, people have been using plants to cure and alleviate their diseases.

The holistic understanding of the plant and the effect of the plant on all three levels are particularly important to me:

1. Material level:
This is about the ingredients of the plant and the effect on our organism.

This can be explained by the example of the common broom: the dried herb of the brooms
contains the alkaloid spartein. This affects the cardiac conduction system and inhibits the formation of arousal there. Consequently the ingredient of the bsoinfection affects nervous cardiovascular
and normalizes pulse and circulation.

2. Immaterial level:
This is about the information transmitted by the plant. The homeopathic medicines works with
the healing power of the Information. Homeopathic high potencies do not contain any
active substances of the original substance, but by means of a carrier (alcohol or lactose), are
information to the organism.

3. Energetic level:
The third principle of action is the energetic principle. The character of a plant consists of its essential
power and its life energy. This energy, which is characterized by its shape, colour, smell and aroma,
expression, has a connecting effect between the first, material level and the second,
immaterial level.

This shows the importance of applying a plant or plant
preparation, to consider all three levels.

With the Vegatest method, you can have your organism tested holistically. At a certain point in the hand, a resistance is measured. A test substrate is then inserted into the measuring circuit. As with a direct dialogue, the body reacts to this substance with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

In this way, the cause of your complaints can be found and statements about organ weakness, deficiency symptoms or intolerances can be made.

Your individual therapy or medicine is determined and checked for tolerability.

The mental spinal straightening is the production of the highest order at all levels.
The fine energy flows through the entire body:

of the physical body
mental and spiritual bodies.

Healing begins here at the highest level. From there, it acts through the soul into the spine and on every body cell. Straightening and renewal are taking place. Mental blockages and old patterns can also be redeemed.
When the spirit of man has experienced the highest order, the body can get in order and the life energy can flow freely again.

The spine is the central element of our skeletal system. It has the following functions, among others:

Main energy channel
Management of nerve impulses from the control centre (brain) to the executing organ
Carriers of all emotions and mental information
Carriers of prenatal patterns

The mental-energetic spinal straightening makes sense for:

Postural damage
Back pain
Vertebral blockages
To compensate for leg length differences
Correction of a pelvic misalignment
degenerative back and joint diseases
for chronic diseases

Course of the healing session:
The spinal straightening itself happens without physical contact and lasts only a few moments. Subsequently, an energetic structure and stabilization of the system takes place.

Duration of the healing session: Approx. 90 minutes
Compensation: 135,- Euro
Note: Spiritual healing does not replace the doctor.

Meditation (from latin meditari = reflection, reflection) is a practice to calm the mind through concentration and mindfulness exercises. It’s about reflecting on yourself. This makes it possible to activate our inner strength and our self-healing. Through daily meditation we also have the opportunity to direct our lives in the desired positive direction.

Therefore, I use meditation on different levels:

  • for relaxation and body perception
  • for the dissolution of energy blockage in the body
  • to stimulate the self-healing powers
  • Focusing on our goals

Voices from practice


on health

Am Rissener Bahnhof 21b 22559 Hamburg

+49 40 29812160

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