Rückenschmerzen lindern durch bessere Körperwahrnehmung-englisch

Liebe Patientinnen, liebe Patienten, haben Sie schon einmal versucht Ihren Rückenschmerzen, Schulter-Nackenverspannungen oder Ihren Gelenkschmerzen mit einem gezielten Wahrnehmungstraining entgegen zu wirken? Wie schon im letzten Newsletter beschrieben, fällt vielen von uns das Körperbewusstsein und die Körperwahrnehmung gar nicht mehr so leicht. In unserem Alltag ist unsere Wahrnehmung immer mehr im Außen, als im Inneren. […]

Coronavirus: You can do something!

Dear patients, For sure, you can do something to protect yourself and your immune system from the corona virus. And I do not only mean: washing hands, disinfecting, keeping distance, refraining from shaking hands and staying at home. These are sensible measures to slow the spread of the virus. This creates time. Boar just time. […]

Healthy by a hug

Learn to appreciate, understand, love and heal your body! Dear patients, Yesterday I had a very inspiring and valuable conversation with a friend and colleague, which included the fact that we women often no longer know what is really good for us and our bodies. Our focus is on so many other things that we […]

Osteoporosis? No thank you!

Osteoporosis? No thanks! In the vernacular, osteoporosis is also referred to as ‘bone loss’. The bone substance is slowly broken down, calcium is released from the bones and the bones become porous. The bone loses stability. In most cases, this process is symptomless for a long time and goes unnoticed for the time being. Symptoms […]

Kinesio – Taping

Kinesio – Taping Therapeutic taping is a new therapy method and was developed in the late 1970s by the Japanese chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase. The so-called Kinesio tapes are elastic patches that are very stretchable and can therefore be used in many ways. We use them for back and joint pain, muscular problems (e.g. pain […]

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